Membership Information

Please consider joining SAGHS as a paid member.
Membership has its benefits! Click here to see an overview of benefits exclusive to members!
Dues may be paid at any time. The membership term starts when payment is received and continues for one full year for each year of membership paid. We encourage members to pay by the first of May as we hold no meetings over the months of June, July and August. Membership includes a subscription to the SAGHS journal, Stalkin' Kin in Old West Texas (one per family).
  • Single membership is $25.00 annually.
  • Family membership is $25.00 plus $5.00 for each additional member in the same household.
We have additional membership levels, so please view the "Membership Payments" page from the menu on the left.
For a printable membership form, click "Membership Form" from the menu on the left.
To join or renew online via PayPal, please click "Membership Payments" from the menu on the left. Be sure to include your name, mailing address, phone number and email.